What does the G mean to You? It means God and I dare to ask You which of the gods is it intended for?
Even the psychologist will tell you to find a God in the course of psychotherapy(the talking therapy), which of the gods they don't want to know, just find one.
A visionaire will tell you there is need for someone to take you through life's Journey because there will be need for new hopes, strength,and encouragement as you move up the ladder of greatness. Without it you will be stagnated or stranded along the way.
And i will tell you you need a ever shining light to make you walk through the dark tunnels
You will need the eagles wings to soar high above your limit to Purpose
You will need God
The god of Alcoholics would only make you deluded
The god of fashion would forget to beautify your inside
The god of Academics will leave you half way and frustrated
The god of relationships will leave you drained
The god of partying and clubbing will leave you wasted
Only one God will see You through lives challenges
but you Got a decision to make
Its releasing You life to him
Let Go of the struggles
Will You find Him Today?
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