Friday, 8 February 2013

Pharmacological Treatments for Nicotine Withdrawal

NICOTINE is the chemical substances in cigarette that keeps you wanting more,
it compels you to ASK FOR MORE.
When nicotine hits the human brain and heart, the body’s dopamine levels tend to rise rapidly, thereby allowing you to feel elated, de-stressed as well as pepped. These feelings of relaxation and elation may differ from one individual smoker to another, as each smoker has his/her own unique way of taking a drag (some smokers take a small drag and experience prolonged happiness, while others are used to taking short puffs and feeling slightly less elated). In case you are habitual of smoking a pack of cigarettes daily, you need to avail central nervous system hangover relief at the earliest given opportunity else you shall lose all control over your health, positive control of mind, as well as your will to make a wise decision.

Tobacco Cigarette Smoking

Over the Counter:

Nicotine gum

Nicotine lozenge

Nicotine transdermal patch (also available by prescription)
By Prescription:

Nicotine nasal spray

Nicotine inhaler

Bupropion hydrochloride

Varenicline tartrate

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