Tuesday, 2 April 2013


The world celebrate autism acceptance day today and i for a person who's had interest in autistic people decided to write about it.

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are defined in the American Psychiatric Association Developmental Statistical Manual Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), by delayed or atypical development in three domains: language, social, and restricted or repetitive behaviors. Note that the DSM criteria are being revised, and Rett syndrome will no longer be considered part of the ASD diagnostic category. The ASDs include:
·  Autistic disorder or “classic” autism
·  Asperger disorder
·  Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) or “atypical” autism
Prevalence (based on 2006 data):
·  1/110 or 9.0 per 1,000 [95% CI 8.6-9.3] (1)
·  Males are affected four times as often as females (M/F = 4:1)

90% of the people with this disease have an idiopathic etiology while the remainder (10%) have it as a secondary disorder also seen as hereditary.

Treatments are still being researched for.

Today's celebration hence talks about accepting them as fellow humans.
Put compassion and understanding first. Stop thinking about autistic people with pity, or fear -- and they may stop thinking about you that way, as well. And the world will be a better place. I mean it! I believe it. I do.


  1. We also know that many people with autism go on to live independent and fulfilling lives, and that all deserve the opportunity to work productively, develop meaningful and fulfilling relationships and enjoy life. With better interventions and supports available, those affected by autismare having better outcomes in all spheres of life.

  2. They deserve more.... We all deserve much more. Thats the best. . Great Work You have @ #Augustina Adenuga.
