Sunday 28 April 2013

Alzheimer's' patient

What I wouldn’t give to hear your voice

What  wouldn't i give to hear your voice
And know its you
Its not death that is worst…
Its seeing those you love and having no idea who they are
Seeing someone that meant so much to you in one lifetime…
And can’t remember how significant they were,
Its having to sleep at the police station
Because you couldn’t remember the way home,
Its forgetting your name…
And how old you are,
Living a life of your own in your head
Regardless of those around you
Forgetting significant memories
That meant so much to us
How exasperating not to know the children you gave life
And lay in your bossom,
For those who complain about life,
Think of what life would be if you forgot…
If you had no memories to keep
And no one to call loved
But remember,
Even if my mind forgets…
My heart will always remember
Alzheimers could take away my mind,

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