Hey friends,
Thanks so much for the Encouragement and love shown towards this blog. I do have us in mind all the time but sometimes i do really get busy. Nevertheless, i am sorry if you had expected more than i am giving. I will work on it.
To the business of the day:
In clinical examination, of utmost importance is examining the mouth of your patient and it will surprise you how much it can reveal if you do or miss if done otherwise.
The oral cavity:
With respect, ask your patient to open his/ her mouth and note stay some comfortable centimeters off as that is done but close enough to perceive the mouth Fetor.Also ensure you ask them to protude their tongue and remeber to observe all the anatomical surfaces. Then observe the cavity for:
1.Nodular lesions
2.Buccal ulcers
3.Purpuric lesion
4.Parotid Enlargement
5.Dry oral mucosal
7.Alcoholic fetor
9.Small chin
10. Absence of lower jaw
11. Deviations or paralysis
12. Non-mobile soft palate
13. Exudate in oro-pharyngeal region
14. Bulging Tonsilitis
The tongue:check for the following
1. Deviation in position in oral cavity
4.Coatings: whitish, black, brownish, presence of exudate
5. Beefy Tongue
6. Palor
7. Dehydration
8. Ulcers
9. Tumours
10. Tongue Tie

Beefy tongue


Exudative lesions on the inferior surface.